David Pettibone

David Pettibone is a figurative painter. He received his BFA in painting from The Rhode Island School of Design and his MFA from The New York Academy of Art. He regularly exhibits and has taught painting and drawing at various schools and institutions in both New York City and Alaska.

“Nature has always been the thread that sews my paintings together. Instead of being a part of nature, we see ourselves as existing in tandem with it: separate but together. This is, of course, an illusion. The complexities of our relationship with nature are infinite and they run the gamut from peaceful to the sublime and from pleasant to the horrifying. My work explores the many levels of our relationship with nature and seeks to convey the visceral emotions that come about when we are reminded of just how connected to our environment we truly are.”

Pieces in the Cantor Art Collection by David Pettibone


David Michael Cantor


Diego Perez